Investment in
the tourism sector in Egypt, one of the most profitable
investments and this investment in order to be successful
Would have to come to the crisis and we have information which they can
establish successful investment projects
Here is a code magic of Tourism offers you all the information needed to
establish a successful tourism project and integrated
And without the fatigue of travel fare and travel information to be provided by
the information documented and can be easily verified
Let us know the contents

Alexandria fragrance of history and modernity

Alexandria bride of the Mediterranean and the capital of Arab tourism 2010
Alexandria blends between the Romanian and Christian civilization and there are many features of Greek
Alexandria is famous for its beautiful beaches along the length of the city and the picturesque sea views of every inch in Alexandria very special The best way to see Alexandria to wander aimlessly.
One of the main shortcomings Palace Park was established by the Turkish style, and there are gardens, waterfalls, picnic parks located near the zoo and the gardens of Alexandria and all Ontoniades beautiful places you visit in the afternoon.
There is this old theater in Kom Deka due date of its construction of the second century AD
Anfoushy graves graves is due to the year 250 BC, these graves to imagine the daily life of the Egyptian gods, was decorated with marble and marble
Bey Citadel, Castle Grand Design
Alkatakomb and a tomb for the pharaohs of ancient comes on three levels, set up in the second century BC and includes statues angels Subic and Anubis, who are dressed in Roman armor
Museum of Greek and Roman
The museum covers a long period of time Taatmtd of the third century BC to the seventh century AD
Royal Jewelry Museum
Museum simple Gilliam and museum contains a collection of personal jewelry of Muhammad Ali Pasha
And resides in Alexandria tourists throughout the year and requires the presence of this provision of many services, in which everyone will present them in the form of multiple investments profitable for all shapes

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Having reviewed the most important information together in crisis of investment in tourism in Egypt We hope that you will have benefited from such information to the extent expected, and the magic of tourism has already provided you